a taste of ‘Boléro at Breakfast’

23 writers discover Ravel’s Boléro …

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I wondered about Gordie, if he’d already given someone fellatio. Normally he’d be the one I asked for guidance. from Hell Week by Len Kuntz

With music teacher zeal, she listened critically to your favored five “Boléro” recordings, preferring the Herbert von Karajan version you played, fittingly, the day she died. from Play It Again by Darrell Petska

She shivered knowing how much colder it would be outside and pulled the duvet over her head as Tyler lay snoring beside her. from An Exercise in Control by Christine Reeves

It was their first real vacation since Covid. They were staying on the third floor of the historic Station Hotel. from Winterfest by James Bates

Playing on it is the broadcast from home, ones and zeros reminding her of past glories and current failures. from Gone Already by Michael Webb

Ah, Ravel! The passion of his Boléro! How he conjures the magic of Spain! from Appetite by GP Hyde

At least the chewing gum worked. The old farmer hadn’t said a word about his breath. from Paulie Changes His Tune by Gail Sosinsky

“Everyone gets a shake and two appetizer-sized bites to eat. That’s our gimmick, and I’m sticking to it.” from A Shake and Two Bits by Susmita Ramani

In more recent years America’s successes in figure skating had been in decline and Carol was determined to redress this. from Boléro on Ice by John Notley

Everyone in Quonsettville listened to WVOC 91.3 in the mornings, catching up on current events. from Boléro Betrayal by Dawn DeBraal

The mayor had hired me after one phone interview. I groaned. What had I gotten myself into? from Battle Lines by Pamela Baker

He was good at discerning patterns but couldn’t find one that seemed connected to the number eighteen. “Are there eighteen verses in the music?” from Miroirs by Cheryl Snell

It was late October and the drive was uplifting as the brilliant, colorful leaves swirled gently in the breeze. from A Winning Gesture by Jane H. Fitzgerald

To avoid lengthy conversations with neighbors in the trailer park as well as longtime friends about my job, I state what I do is classified. from Beginning the Day with Bólero by Tom Fegan

I would set everything up and leave. Some scars won’t heal, and I was not the one being paid to take care of her. from Tina Tomato by Melissa E. Wong

Poetry and music. The things that stick as you age, especially the music. from A Steady Man by Allan J. Wills

The smell of the coffee lifted Cliff’s spirits, flagging from the heat and the wonderment of Texas palm trees. He chucked off his polyester blazer and wished he had not worn a flannel shirt. from No Texas Toast for Breakfast by Mike Lewis-Beck

We didn’t go inside until the clouds rearranged themselves. from Last Night’s Concert by Vallie Lynn Watson

But when she heard about Ravel, she spat, “He stole your traditional music, and you’re even listening to it!” from Love and Music by rani Jayakumar

In the early days, it wasn’t just the wackiness of the idea which kept Debbie tuned in every morning at seven. She’d found she was actually liking this classical stuff. from Bloater Hill Boléro by Martin Phillips

‘Maybe I could change the format of my show?’ suggested Brendalee. ‘Yeah, that’s something else I wanted to discuss.’ from Handing Over by Ronald T. Hardwick

“You want me to make you breakfast this morning?” my husband Orton calls out from the mudroom. He’s doing something in there because I hear a lot of shuffling and some clanging but just what, I don’t know. from Happy Birthday, Laurentine! by Matt Potter

I fell in love with Herbert Ritter von Karajan … when I found out that he never looked at his orchestra while conducting … from I can’t have too many Boléros by Sylvia Petter